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2024-12-10 20:07
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Fig. 1 Researchers at Nagoya University discovered that the soybean protein β-conglycinin (β-CG) can slow heart failure progression in mice by increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the gut, which protect the heart. Their findings suggest that β-CG or its derivatives may offer a natural approach to treating heart failure by promoting gut microbiota health and reducing inflammation.
Fig. 2 Soy protein β-conglycinin increases the production of short-chain fatty acids by intestinal bacteria, which slows the progression of heart failure. Credit: Reiko Matsushita
心力衰竭是一种预后不良的顽固性疾病。基于生活方式相关疾病(如高血压)的病理性心脏应激导致心肌壁增厚和心脏肥厚,以补偿负荷,随后导致慢性心力衰竭,收缩和舒张功能均被破坏。大豆及其成分具有抗氧化和抗炎功能,可以防止心血管损伤 (Hagen MK et al., Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009; Qin W et al., Br J Pharmacol. 2015) 。大豆蛋白β - 伴大豆球蛋白 (β-conglycinin 简称β -CG) 已知是一种具有抗肥胖作用的功能性大豆成分( Hashidume T et al., Sci Rep. 2016 ),但β -CG 是否对心血管疾病有任何影响仍不确定,特别是在心脏肥大 - 心力衰竭的病理进展中。
据日本名古屋大学 ( Nagoya University ) 2024 年 12 月 8 日提供的消息,研究发现吃这种蛋白质可以减缓心力衰竭的进展( Study: Eating This Protein Could Slow the Progression of Heart Failure )。
大豆蛋白——β - 伴大豆球蛋白 ( β -CG) ——通过促进产生 SCFA 的肠道细菌,有助于预防小鼠心力衰竭。 SCFA 可以改善心脏功能,减少组织损伤,提示一种潜在的心脏健康饮食方法。β -CG 约占大豆种子全蛋白含量的 30% ,是影响大豆蛋白质营养品质的重要组分。
名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 ( Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine , Nagoya, Japan )的一个研究小组发现了一种有希望的方法来减缓小鼠心力衰竭的进展。通过提供富含大豆蛋白(β -CG )的饮食,他们观察到其对肠道细菌的影响与心脏健康的益处有关。
他们的分析显示,富含大豆蛋白的饮食增加了肠道中短链脂肪酸( short-chain fatty acids 简称 SCFAs )的产生,这种脂肪酸在保护心脏方面发挥着作用。他们的研究结果 2024 年 10 月 1 日已经在《临床营养学》( Clinical Nutrition )杂志发表—— Nozomi Furukawa, Miku Kobayashi, Mikako Ito, Hiroki Matsui, Koji Ohashi, Toyoaki Murohara, Jun-ichi Takeda, Jun Ueyama, Masaaki Hirayama, Kinji Ohno. Soy protein β-conglycinin ameliorates pressure overload-induced heart failure by increasing short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing gut microbiota and intestinal SCFAs. Clinical Nutrition , 1 October 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2024.09.045
参与此项研究的除了来自日本名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科( Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan )的研究人员之外,还有来自日本前桥的群马大学健康科学研究生院( Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Maebashi, Japan )、日本岐阜大学高等研究院( Institute for Advanced Study, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan )、日本中部大学生命与健康科学学院( Chubu University College of Life and Health Sciences, Kasugai, Japan )以及日本名古屋文理大学( Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences, Nisshin, Japan )的研究人员。
古川希( Nozomi Furukawa )博士和他的同事们给容易心力衰竭的老鼠喂食大豆衍生蛋白β -CG ,并研究其对心脏的影响。这些小鼠的心脏功能得到改善,肌肉增厚减少,心脏组织的疤痕减少,这些都是与心脏病进展相关的常见问题。
对肠道细菌的分析发现,三种产生 SCFAs 的细菌( Butyricimonas , Marvinbryantia 和 Anaerotruncus )以及维持肠道健康的 SCFAs (乙酸,丁酸和丙酸)浓度均有所增加。
在主动脉缩窄( transverse aortic constriction 简称 TAC )诱导的压力负荷心力衰竭模型建立前后,将含有大豆蛋白β -CG 的饮食作为蛋白质来源喂养 5 周,与对照组相比,压力负荷引起的左心室重构(心功能障碍、心肌肥厚和心肌纤维化)显著减少。为了探索β -CG 改善重塑的潜在机制,古川希等人分别通过 16S rRNA-seq*3 和 GC-MS 分析了肠道微生物群及其代谢产物。研究者发现β -CG 喂养增加了代表性的产生 SCFA 的细菌( genera Butyricimonas, Marvinbryantia, and Anaerotruncus )和肠道 SCFAs ,并且一些产生 SCFA 的细菌丰度因β -CG 喂养而增加,与心肌纤维化 (myocardial fibrosis) 呈负相关,表明 SCFAs 可能直接改善左心室重构。正如我们在β -CG 喂养中观察到的那样,口服大肠释放的丙酸钠也抑制了左心室重构。相反,口服抗生素消除了β -CG 的心脏保护作用。研究者得出的结论是β -CG 通过增加肠道 SCFA 产生菌和肠道 SCFA 浓度发挥心脏保护作用。
SCFAs 与心血管保护 ( SCFAs and Cardiovascular Protection )
这些发现表明,β -CG 通过促进肠道中产生 SCFA 的细菌的生长,至少在一定程度上有助于防止心脏损伤。细菌在消化纤维和其他食物的过程中在大肠中产生短链脂肪酸 (SCFAs) 。已知 SCFAs 具有抗炎特性,并在维持肠道健康方面发挥作用。然而,他们的研究结果表明,它们也可能有助于保护心脏免受高血压造成的损害。
古川希说:“这项研究的一个重要方面是功能性大豆成分显示出对心脏有益的作用。在此之前,对肥胖的影响已被证实,但对心血管疾病的影响尚不清楚。重要的是,β -CG 的摄入增加了主要的 SCFAs 及其产生细菌,改变了肠道微生物群。这些 SCFAs 可能抑制心力衰竭的进展。”,
肠道菌群的作用( The Role of Gut Microbiota )
当研究人员使用抗生素减少小鼠体内这些产生 SCFA 的微生物的数量时,β -CG 的保护作用消失了。这表明肠道微生物群对β -CG 的心脏保护作用至关重要。为了证实这一点,他们给老鼠注射了丙酸钠( sodium propionate ),一种短链脂肪酸,发现它和给老鼠喂食β -CG 有相似的效果,强化了短链脂肪酸( SCFAs )是减少心脏损伤的关键部分的观点。
尽管研究人员在老鼠身上进行了这项研究,但研究结果表明,类似的机制可能有助于治疗人类的心力衰竭。β -CG 或其衍生物可能被开发成治疗药物,帮助预防或减缓心力衰竭的进展,为重大健康问题提供更自然的解决方案。
古川希解释说:“当然,大豆及其成分(如β -CG )可能并非对所有人都有效,尤其是那些过敏的人。在未来,我们的团队将专注于β -CG 内部的结构,并研究具有心脏保护作用的短链脂肪酸增加的详细分子机制,以开发新的治疗和预防方法。”
上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息,敬请注意浏览 原文 或者 相关报道 。
Key Points
• The progression of pressure-overloaded heart failure in a mouse model was ameliorated by feeding a diet containing β-conglycinin (β-CG), a functional soy protein with anti-obesity effects, by modulating intestinal microbiota.
• Feeding β-CG increased three types of SCFA-producing bacteria and intestinal concentrations of SCFAs (acetic acid, butyric acid and propionic acid).
• Oral administration of sodium propionate indeed suppressed the heart failure progression, as did β-CG feeding.
Background and Aims : Soybeans and their ingredients have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on cardiovascular diseases. β-Conglycinin (β-CG), a major constituent of soy proteins, is protective against obesity, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease, but its effects on heart failure remain to be elucidated. We tested the effects of β-CG on left ventricular (LV) remodeling in pressure overload-induced heart failure.
Methods : A transverse aortic constriction (TAC)-induced pressure overload was applied to the heart in 7-week-old C57BL6 male mice that were treated with β-CG, N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc), or sodium propionate. Gut microbiota was analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing. Fecal short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were quantified by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The effects of oral antibiotics were examined in β-CG-fed mice.
Results : β-CG ameliorated impaired cardiac contractions, cardiac hypertrophy, and myocardial fibrosis in TAC-operated mice. As β-CG is a highly glycosylated protein, we examined the effects of GlcNAc. GlcNAc had similar but less efficient effects on LV remodeling compared to β-CG. β-CG increased three major SCFA-producing intestinal bacteria, as well as fecal concentrations of SCFAs, in sham-and TAC-operated mice. Oral administration of antibiotics nullified the effects of β-CG in TAC-operated mice by markedly reducing SCFA-producing intestinal bacteria and fecal SCFAs. In contrast, oral administration of sodium propionate, one of SCFAs, ameliorated LV remodeling in TAC-operated mice to a similar extent as β-CG.
Conclusions : β-CG was protective against TAC-induced LV remodeling, which was likely to be mediated by increased SCFA-producing gut microbiota and increased intestinal SCFAs. Modified β-CG and/or derivatives arising from β-CG are expected to be developed as prophylactic and/or therapeutic agents to ameliorate devastating symptoms in heart failure.
Graphical summary
Ingestion of β-conglycinin (β-CG), a major constituent of soy proteins, increases short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing intestinal bacteria and intestinal SCFA productions. SCFA prevents the development and progression of heart failure caused by transverse aorta constriction (TAC).
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