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坚硬但可拉伸: 科学家创造出“牢不可破”的新材料
Researchers have created a new class of materials called “glassy gels” that are as hard as glassy polymers, but – if you apply enough force – can stretch up to five times their original length, rather than breaking. A key thing that distinguishes glassy gels is that they are more than 50% liquid, which makes them more efficient conductors of electricity than common plastics that have comparable physical characteristics. Credit: Meixiang Wang, NC State University
据美国北卡罗来纳州立大学 ( North Carolina State University , Raleigh, NC, USA ) 2024 年 6 月 20 日提供的消息,科学家创造出“牢不可破”的新材料,它既坚硬有可以拉伸 ( Hard Yet Stretchable: Scientists Create “Unbreakable” New Material ) 。研究人员开发出的这种新的材料被称为玻璃凝胶( glassy gels ),它结合了玻璃聚合物( glassy polymers )的硬度和凝胶的可拉伸性。
这些材料保持超过 50% 的液体含量,增强其弹性和粘接性能。制造过程包括将聚合物前体与离子液体混合,并用紫外线固化,使其易于生产,并在电子和医疗设备等行业中具有广泛应用的潜力。相关研究结果于 2024 年 6 月 19 日已经在《自然》( Nature ) 杂志在线发表 —— Meixiang Wang , Xun Xiao , Salma Siddika , Mohammad Shamsi , Ethan Frey , Wen Qian , Wubin Bai , Brendan T O'Connor , Michael D Dickey . Glassy Gels Toughened by Solvent. Nature , 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07564-0 . Published Date: June 19, 2024.
参与此项研究的除了来自美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学的研究人员,还有来自美国北卡罗来纳大学( University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA )以及美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校( University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA )的研究人员。
科学家创造了一种名为玻璃凝胶的新材料( Scientists Create New Class of Materials Called “Glassy Gels” )
科学家们发明了一种被称为玻璃凝胶的新型材料,这种材料非常坚硬,即使它们由 50% 以上的液体组成,也很难打破。再加上玻璃凝胶易于生产的事实,这种材料具有广泛的应用前景。
创新材料设计( Innovative Material Design )
上述研究论文的通讯作者、北卡罗莱纳州立大学卡米尔和亨利·德雷福斯化学和生物分子工程教授( Camille and Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University )迈克尔·迪基( Michael Dickey )说:“我们已经创造了一类我们称之为玻璃凝胶的材料,它和玻璃聚合物一样硬,但如果你施加足够的力,它可以拉伸到原来长度的五倍,而不断裂。更重要的是,一旦材料被拉伸,你可以通过加热让它恢复到原来的形状。此外,玻璃凝胶的表面具有很强的粘性,这对于硬材料来说是不寻常的。”
该论文的共同主要作者、北卡罗来纳州立大学博士后研究员王梅香( Meixiang Wang 音译)说:“区分玻璃凝胶的一个关键因素是,它们的液体含量超过 50% ,这使得它们比具有类似物理特性的普通塑料更有效地导电。考虑到它们拥有的独特性质的数量,我们乐观地认为这些材料将会有用。”
生产和特点( Production and Characteristics )
多功能性及应用潜力( Versatility and Application Potential )
在测试中,研究人员发现,即使玻璃凝胶含有 50%~60% 的液体,它们也不会蒸发或变干。
实际应用与未来展望( Practical Applications and Future Outlook )
迈克尔·迪基说:“制造玻璃凝胶是一个简单的过程,可以通过在任何类型的模具中固化或 3D 打印来完成。大多数具有类似机械性能的塑料都需要制造商制造聚合物作为原料,然后将聚合物运送到另一个设备,在那里聚合物被熔化并形成最终产品。我们很高兴看到玻璃凝胶的应用,并愿意与合作者合作,拓展这些材料的应用范围。”
这项工作得到了海岸研究所( Coastal Studies Institute )的部分资助。
上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息,敬请注意浏览 原文 或者 相关报道 。
Researchers create new class of materials called 'glassy gels'
Glassy polymers are generally stiff and strong yet have limited extensibility 1 . By swelling with solvent, glassy polymers can become gels that are soft and weak yet have enhanced extensibility 1-3 . The marked changes in properties arise from the solvent increasing free volume between chains while weakening polymer-polymer interactions. Here we show that solvating polar polymers with ionic liquids (that is, ionogels 4,5 ) at appropriate concentrations can produce a unique class of materials called glassy gels with desirable properties of both glasses and gels. The ionic liquid increases free volume and therefore extensibility despite the absence of conventional solvent (for example, water). Yet, the ionic liquid forms strong and abundant non-covalent crosslinks between polymer chains to render a stiff, tough, glassy, and homogeneous network (that is, no phase separation)6, at room temperature. Despite being more than 54 wt% liquid, the glassy gels exhibit enormous fracture strength (42 MPa), toughness (110 MJ m -3 ), yield strength (73 MPa) and Young's modulus (1 GPa). These values are similar to those of thermoplastics such as polyethylene, yet unlike thermoplastics, the glassy gels can be deformed up to 670% strain with full and rapid recovery on heating. These transparent materials form by a one-step polymerization and have impressive adhesive, self-healing and shape-memory properties.
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