
科学网—JCR最新分区Q 1好刊,Clinical Epidemiology关注公共卫生领域新动向!-Taylor&Francis学术服务的博文

速读:北欧基于注册系统的健康研究:回顾医疗保健系统和关键登记册。 慢性疾病长期预后的决定因素,特别是临床路径以及多种慢性疾病、并发症和结果之间的相互作用; 临床流行病学方法——使用常规卫生保健数据和大型数据集;
JCR最新分区Q1好刊,Clinical Epidemiology关注公共卫生领域新动向!


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2024-6-28 11:13

| 个人分类: 医药健康 | 系统分类: 科研笔记

本期向您介绍 “公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生” 领域优秀期刊 Clinical Epidemiology 。

在上个月中国科学院文献情报中心发布的GoOA《2023年OA期刊白名单》中出现了它的身影。 根据科睿唯安( Clarivate)本周最新发布的2024年度《期刊引证报告》显示,此刊位列JCR Q1分区。 本刊发表关于流行病学和临床护理的开放获取研究,包括电子记录、数据收集、诊断程序和预测标记等。





Online ISSN: 1179-1349

Clinical Epidemiology 是一份国际性、同行评审的开放获取期刊。 期刊涉及的主题包括:电子病历的使用;常规医疗保健数据,尤其是应用于医疗干预的安全性方面的数据;诊断程序和筛查的临床实用性;了解疾病的短期和长期临床过程;预后和预测标记;临床流行病学和生物统计学方法;系统回顾;二级和三级预防等。


Clinical Epidemiology


2023 5年影响因子:4.3

2023 JCR最佳分区:Q1





根据JCR显示, Clinical Epidemiology

Impact Factor(2023)为3.4


根据Scopus显示, Clinical Epidemiology









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Clinical Epidemiology 的主编由Henrik Sørensen(丹麦 奥胡斯大学) 担任,副主编及编委团队由来自多国的医学专家组成。编委成员包括北京大学公共卫生学院院长、重大疾病流行病学教育部重点实验室主任、北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心主任詹思延教授。


Henrik Sørensen


1. 慢性疾病长期预后的决定因素,特别是临床路径以及多种慢性疾病、并发症和结果之间的相互作用;

2. 医疗干预和治疗的安全性观察研究;

3. 临床流行病学方法——使用常规卫生保健数据和大型数据集;

4. 心血管和癌症流行病学等。


根据JCR显示,近三年在 Clinical Epidemiology 发文的国家中,发文数量排名前三位的是:


根据JCR显示,近三年在 Clinical Epidemiology 发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文数量排前三位的是:



Nordic Health Registry-Based Research: A Review of Health Care Systems and Key Registries


作者:Laugesen, K. et al.


The Nordic countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and comprise a total population of approximately 27 million. The countries provide unique opportunities for joint health registry-based research in large populations with long and complete follow-up, facilitated by shared features, such as the tax-funded and public health care systems, the similar population-based registries, and the personal identity number as unique identifier of all citizens. In this review, we provide an introduction to the health care systems, key registries, and how to navigate the practical and ethical aspects of setting up such studies. For each country, we provide an overview of population statistics and health care expenditures, and describe the operational and administrative organization of the health care system. The Nordic registries provide population-based, routine, and prospective data on individuals lives and health with virtually complete follow-up and exact censoring information. We briefly describe the total population registries, birth registries, patient registries, cancer registries, prescription registries, and causes of death registries with a focus on period of coverage, selected key variables, and potential limitations. Lastly, we discuss some practical and legal perspectives. The potential of joint research is not fully exploited, mainly due to legal and practical difficulties in, for example, cross-border sharing of data. Future tasks include clear and transparent legal pathways and a framework by which practical aspects are facilitated.

Global Burden of Ischemic Heart Disease and Attributable Risk Factors, 1990–2017: A Secondary Analysis Based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017


作者:Wang, F. et al.



To estimate the burden of ischemic heart disease (IHD) stratified by gender, age, geographic location, and social-demographic status for 21 regions across the world from 1990 to 2017.


Using the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) Results Tool, we extracted data on the incidence, mortality, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and age-standardized rates related to IHD, as IHD burden measures. Trend analyzes were conducted for major regions. Risk factors for DALYs (obtained from the GBD comparative risk assessment framework) were also analyzed.


Globally, 10.6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 9.6–11.8) cases of IHD occurred in 2017, with 8.9 million (95%UI:8.8–9.1) IHD-related deaths. Both the age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) and death rate (ASDR) declined from 1990 to 2017 (percentage change: 27.4% and 30.0%, respectively), with average annual percent change (AAPC) values of −1.2% and −1.3%, respectively. In 2017, the global number of IHD-related DALYs was 170.3 million (95%UI:167.1–174.0), and the middle socio-demographic index (SDI) quintile contributed the most to these DALYs. In most regions, indicators (incidence, mortality, and DALYs) declined steadily with SDI increased. High systolic blood pressure (SBP) was the most significant contributor to the DALYs in most regions, accounting for 118.18 million DALYs in 2017 globally, followed by high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and a diet low in nuts and seeds (101.78 and 52.86 million, respectively).


Even though the trend in IHD morbidity and mortality decreased globally, the IHD burden remains high, particularly in regions with lower SDI. It is necessary to learn successful and effective experience in controlling IHD risks and decreasing health disparities to reduce the IHD burden.


Semaglutide (Ozempic®) Use in Denmark 2018 Through 2023 ‒ User Trends and off-Label Prescribing for Weight Loss


作者:Mailhac, A. et al.



A surge in the use of semaglutide injection (Ozempic®) approved to treat type 2 diabetes (T2D) has led to a global supply shortage. We investigated contemporary user rates and clinical characteristics of semaglutide (Ozempic®) users in Denmark, and the extent of “off-label” prescribing for weight loss.

Patients and Methods

Nationwide population-based cross-sectional study based on linked health registries January 2018 through December 2023. All adults who received a first prescription of semaglutide once weekly (Ozempic®) were included. We examined quarterly rates of new users and total user prevalences, using other glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and weight loss medications as comparison. We also investigated user characteristics including T2D, glucose control, comedications, and cardiorenal disease.


The new user rate of semaglutide (Ozempic®) remained stable at approximately 4 per 1000 adult person-years between 2019 and 2021 and then accelerated, peaking at 10 per 1000 in the first quarter of 2023 after which it declined sharply. User prevalence increased to 91,626 users in Denmark in 2023. The proportion of semaglutide (Ozempic®) new users who had a record of T2D declined from 99% in 2018 to only 67% in 2022, increasing again to 87% in 2023. Among people with T2D who initiated semaglutide (Ozempic®) in 2023, 52% received antidiabetic polytherapy before initiation, 39% monotherapy, and 8% no antidiabetic therapy. Most T2D initiators had suboptimal glucose control, with 83% having an HbA1c ≥48 mmol/mol and 68% ≥53 mmol/mol despite use of antidiabetic medication, and 29% had established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or kidney disease.


The use of semaglutide (Ozempic®) in Denmark has increased dramatically. Although not approved for weight loss without T2D, one-third of new users in 2022 did not have T2D. Conversely, most initiators with T2D had a clear medical indication for treatment intensification, and “off-label” use can only explain a minor part of the supply shortage.


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