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2024-7-23 13:31
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近期,中南林业科技大学在 Journal of Dermatologic Science and Cosmetic Technology 2024年第1卷第2期上发表“ Inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes by refined bamboo vinegar and preparation of the slow-release system with bamboo charcoal as the carrier ” 文章。本研究阐述了 通过再减压蒸馏对竹醋进行精制,不仅增加了竹醋中的有效成分,同时还减少了竹醋中的有害成分。通过精制竹醋,可以明显抑制 痤疮 丙酸杆菌。提供了一种新的抗痤疮化妆品思路,为竹炭做载体的竹醋缓释体系的应用研究奠定了基础。
全文链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdsct.2024.100016
引用格式: Ziyi Li, Yanan Wang, Sheng Zhang,Inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes by refined bamboo vinegar and preparation of the slow-release system with bamboo charcoal as the carrier,Journal of Dermatologic Science and Cosmetic Technology,Volume 1, Issue 2,2024,100016,ISSN 2950-306X. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdsct.2024.100016.
为了探索竹醋在化妆品中的应用潜力,将竹醋的原液在不同温度下进行减压蒸馏,得到精制竹醋。然后,通过检测精制竹醋对痤疮丙酸杆菌的抑制作用,揭示了使用精制竹醋去除痤疮的可行性。此外,以活性竹炭为载体吸附和释放精制竹醋液,探讨竹醋控释体系的释放规律。结果表明,与原液相比,70℃蒸馏的竹醋中有害物质(焦油)的含量大幅降低了94.44%。减压蒸馏后竹醋中有机酸总含量为11.84%,达到国家精制竹醋的标准(GB/T 31734-2015)。此外,通过打孔法测量的精制竹醋对痤疮丙酸杆菌的抑制圈直径为35mm,证明了精制竹醋作为抗痤疮化妆品原料的潜力。此外,竹炭/竹醋缓释体在水中15分钟的控释率可达70.57%,然后缓慢释放并趋于平衡。其控释行为符合Ritger-Peppas模型,可以缓解竹醋对皮肤的刺激,延长其抑菌时间。以上结果可为竹醋液在祛痘化妆品中的应用提供理论依据。 Abstract This study focuses on the exploration of the application potential of bamboo vinegar in cosmetics. The stock solution of bamboo vinegar is subjected to reduced-pressure distillation atdifferent temperatures to obtain refined bamboo vinegar. Then, inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes ( P. acnes ) by refined bamboo vinegar is observed. Moreover, the refined bamboo vinegar is adsorbed and released with activated bamboo charcoal as the carrier. In all, this study aims to probe into the mechanism of the controlled release system of bamboo vinegar. The results shows that the harmful substances (tar) in bamboo vinegar distilled at 70 ℃ decreased by 94.44%, which is a more notable decrease compared with that in the stock solution.The total organic acid content in bamboo vinegar after reduced-pressure distillation is 11.840%, reaching the national standard for refined bamboo vinegar (GB/T 31734–2015).Additionally, the minimum inhibitory concentration of refined bamboo vinegar against P. acnes using the punch method is 7.90 mg/mL. This indicates that refined bamboo vinegar has the potential as a prospective raw material for formulations in anti-acne cosmetic products.Furthermore, the release rate of bamboo charcoal/bamboo vinegar in water for 15 min reaches 70.57%, which then slows down to a plateau. The slow-release behavior is agreed with the Ritger-Peppas model and is beneficial to relieve the irritation of bamboo vinegar to the skin and lengthen its bacteriostatic duration. The foregoing conclusions can serve as the theoretical foundation for the application of bamboo vinegar in anti-acne cosmetics.
图1 两次蒸馏物中焦油含量与温度的关系
图4:(A)零阶模型 ;(B)一阶模型 ;(C) Higuchi模型 ;(D) Ritger Peppas模型
Journal of Dermatologic Science and Cosmetic Technology (《皮肤科学与化妆品技术期刊》,ISSN:2950-306X,简称JDSCT)是由广东省化妆品学会组织,数十个行业领先企业及研究机构共同支持,在 ScienceDirect平台上全球发行的国际性、同行评议、开放获取的学术性国际期刊。JDSCT致力于发表皮肤科学与化妆品技术相关的创新科技成果,为皮肤科学与化妆品研究搭建高水平的学术交流平台。 期刊编委会由52位国内外知名学者、皮肤科医学专家及化妆品行业等研究人员组成。由俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,广东工业大学生物医药学院教授,广东工业大学皮肤医学健康与美容化妆品创新交叉研究院院长,广东省化妆品学会理事长杜志云担任主编,法国国家药学科学院院士,法国国家科学研究中心一级主任研究员张勇民担任联合主编。 收稿范围 包括但不限于以下方向 皮肤科学: 皮肤健康、头皮健康、口腔黏膜等基础研究、转化研究或临床研究;皮肤生物学;皮肤生理学;皮肤医学临床;医学美容;医学护肤; 化妆品原料: 生产工艺、结构改性、功效及毒理学研究; 化妆品产品研发与智能制造: 配方设计、剂型创新、性能研究、功效及安全性评价;包装设计;数字化制造、人工智能技术开发、大数据库建设; 化妆品行业的政策与法规: 监管科学、国际国内法规比较研究、质量控制、政策解读;法规实施;化妆品研究伦理问题。
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